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Billing System

GIS supports the billing and customer information system (CIS)

Billing System

GIS supports the billing and customer information system (CIS) in several different ways.

GIS is the system of record for locations or addresses that are eligible for utility service. Addresses for new utility connections are vetted using GIS address point layers and the tax parcel ownership layer.

Additional GIS layers may assist in the setting up of a new location in CIS and setting the rates and allowable fees, as there are various map layers that show the sanitary sewer, sanitation, improvement district, debt service district, ZIP code, etc. CAW includes fees for 15 partner agencies in its water customers' bills.

When a service order generated in CIS requires response by a field representative or crew, the order is automatically routed to Cityworks, where it will be assigned. Cityworks and GIS allow our distribution staff to visualize where their service locations are and obtain information about the assets related to the work they are to perform.

Finally, GIS can be used to visualize and analyze data trends from the CIS. For example, water quality customer complaints or other issues tracked in CIS may be mapped in GIS to see patterns. The sanitary sewer departments frequently map water consumption data from CIS in GIS so that they perform engineering planning when looking at capacity issues in the collection system.

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